Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Coordinator

Posted on: 
August 24, 2024

Terms of Reference

Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Coordinator: Contributing to the mitigation of conflict over natural resources between farmer and herder communities in Adamawa and Taraba states, Nigeria. (COMITAS II) Project

Position Summary

The Design, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (DMEL) Coordinator is responsible for carrying out all strategic and functional responsibilities of design, monitoring, evaluation and learning of the project. Based in Yola, Adamawa State, with frequent travels to field activity locations in Adamawa and Taraba States, the position holder will work with Search Institutional Learning Team (ILT), under the technical supervision of the DMEL Manager and in close coordination with the Head of Office, Project Manager, and other project team members.

About the Project

Search for Common Ground (and partners), with the support of the EU is implementing the second phase of the project ‘Contributing to the mitigation of conflict over natural resources between farmer and herder communities in Adamawa and Taraba States, Nigeria (COMITAS 2).

The project pursues four specific objectives:

  1. Strengthen traditional conflict resolution in the targeted locations in Adamawa and Taraba States to support conflict prevention and mitigation efforts.
  2. Improve trust in authorities’ commitment to providing security and adequate resource management to help prevent communities to turn towards violence.
  3. Address the root causes of conflict between farmer and herder communities over natural resources
  4. Improve intra and inter communal perceptions.

The project will be implemented in selected communities across Adamawa and Taraba states and will work to contribute to the mitigation of conflict over natural resources, supporting community-based Early Warning and Early Response (EWER) to identify risks and partner with civil society, security or government actions to institutionalize strategies and approaches that will build community capacity and skills for sustainable peace. Additionally, the project seeks to ensure conflicts identified through the EWER feed into multi-stakeholder forums for dispute resolution and higher-level policy change and create open and neutral spaces for farmer and pastoralist community members and leaders to identify collective solutions.

Roles and Responsibilities

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • While implementing Search M&E standards around project planning meetings, baseline studies, data collection tools and monitoring missions, the incumbent is expected to
  • Develop M&E plans, frameworks and use the plan to track project implementation progress
  • Conduct routine data quality assurance through monthly review meetings with project implementation team and partners.
  • Coordinates the development of monitoring data collection tools including mobile data collection tools using different ODK platforms; and conduct quarterly monitoring missions on the project to measure project progress
  • Analyze M&E data for project feedback and reporting
  • Update and manage data regularly through the Grant Management System (GMS)
  • Develop and update program dashboard to visualize routine and periodic data
  • Analyze routine and periodic quantitative and qualitative data to guide project management and adaptations

Research and Assessment:

  • Support quality, conflict sensitive, innovative and effective DMEL process under the project
  • Coordinate with project team members to conduct periodic conflict scan on the project
  • Support DMEL Manager conduct internal evaluations when appropriate based on SFCG Evaluation Guidelines and Policies;
  • Enable program teams to utilize evaluation findings and communicate results effectively;
  • Strengthen DM&E capacities of SFCG program staff and partners;
  • Performs qualitative analysis of data using software  NVivo, and others)
  • Performs quantitative analysis using statistical software (Excel, SPSS, and others) and/or dashboard analytics

Learning / Knowledge Management:

  • Support the DMEL Manager to lead quarterly learning and reflection sessions on the project
  • Presents monitoring mission findings at external and internal meetings and conferences
  • Promote cross-learning across projects and organizations
  • Support institutional memory and knowledge retention in Search through innovative means
  • Supporting DM&E Manager in facilitating cross-organizational learning, which includes providing information, guidelines, lessons learned, and user-friendly learning tools on DM&E on the Institutional Learning Team Intranet website.

Educational Background

  • University degree is required; University degree in international development, social science, economics, or related field is desired.
  • Additional education in conflict management, media for peacebuilding, communication for social change would be a strong asset;

Required Experience

  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in field monitoring, evaluation design, empirical and statistical analysis, management information systems and/or information management design is required.

Other Relevant Requirements

  • Good knowledge of the local languages will be an asset.
  • Proficiency at using Microsoft office software: MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc. is required.
  •  Excellent analytical and report writing skills;
  • A demonstrated commitment to high professional ethical standards and a diverse workplace; and
  • Ability to prioritize, plan and organize workflow to tight timeframes, handle multiple tasks, and be flexible with changing priorities.
  • Attention to detail and ability to follow up on tasks to completion is required.
  • Experience of working in a conflict environment is a plus.
  • Written and spoken fluency in English is required.
  • Fluency in one or more of the local state languages in the North Eastern part of Nigeria is required.

To apply:

Interested candidates should send the following to our portal on or before  28th August  2024.

  • Current resume
  • Cover Letter (which includes expectations of compensation and projected start date)

Please note that the system only has the functionality to upload two documents per application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls please. Please see our website: ​for full details of our work.

Commitment to Search Values:

Trust, Breakthrough and Collaboration

As job descriptions cannot be exhaustive, the position holder may be required to undertake other duties that are broadly in line with the above key responsibilities.


Only applicants invited for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please. Please see our website for full details of our work. All Search Employees must adhere to the values: Collaboration- Audacity - Tenacity - Empathy - Results. In accordance with these values, Search enforces compliance with the Code of Conduct and related policies on Anti Workplace Harassment, Protection from Exploitation and Abuse, Child Safeguarding, Conflict of Interest, and Anti-fraud. Search is committed to safeguarding the interests, rights, and well-being of children, youth, and vulnerable adults with whom it is in contact and to conducting its programs and operations in a manner that is safe for children, youth, and vulnerable adults.  Search for Common Ground does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. View our code of conduct here and our privacy policy here.

Les descriptifs de pouvant ne pouvant être exhaustifs, le titulaire du poste pourra être amené à entreprendre d'autres tâches qui correspondent globalement aux responsabilités clés ci-dessus.

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Seuls les candidats invités à un entretien seront contactés. Pas d'appels téléphoniques s'il vous plaît. Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour tous les détails de notre mission.

Tous les employés de Search doivent adhérer aux valeurs de Search : Collaboration- Audace - Ténacité - Empathie - Résultats. Conformément à ces valeurs, Search fait respecter le code de conduite et les politiques connexes sur la lutte contre le harcèlement au travail, la protection contre l'exploitation et les abus, la protection des enfants, les conflits d'intérêts et la lutte contre la fraude. Search s'engage à préserver les intérêts, les droits et le bien-être des enfants, des jeunes et des adultes vulnérables avec lesquels elle est en contact et à mener ses programmes et ses opérations d'une manière qui soit sûre pour les enfants, les jeunes et les adultes vulnérables. Search for Common Ground ne fait pas et ne doit pas faire de discrimination fondée sur la race, la couleur, la religion (croyance), le sexe, l'expression de genre, l'âge, l'origine nationale (ascendance), le handicap, l'état matrimonial, l'orientation sexuelle ou le statut militaire, dans aucune de ses activités ou opérations. Consultez notre code de conduite ici et notre politique de confidentialité ici.

Dado que la descripción de funciones no puede ser exhaustiva, el titular del puesto puede tener que realizar otras tareas que coinciden en líneas generales con las responsabilidades clave mencionadas.


Sólo se contactará con los candidatos invitados a una entrevista. Se agradece no recibir llamadas telefónicas. Consulte nuestro sitio web para conocer todos los detalles de nuestro trabajo. Todos los empleados de Search deben adherirse a los valores de la organización: Colaboración - Audacia - Tenacidad - Empatía - Resultados. De acuerdo con estos valores, Search hace cumplir el Código de Conducta y las políticas relacionadas con luchar contra el acoso en el lugar de trabajo, la protección contra la explotación y el abuso, la protección de la infancia, los conflictos de intereses y la lucha contra el fraude. Search se compromete a salvaguardar los intereses, derechos y bienestar de los niños, jóvenes y adultos vulnerables con los que está en contacto y a llevar a cabo sus programas y operaciones de una manera que sea segura para los niños, jóvenes y adultos vulnerables.  Search for Common Ground no discrimina ni discriminará por motivos de raza, color, religión (credo), género, expresión de género, edad, origen nacional (ascendencia), discapacidad, estado civil, orientación sexual o condición militar, en ninguna de sus actividades u operaciones. Consulte nuestro código de conducta aquí y nuestra política de privacidad aquí.

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